As a customer, you can send us your current meter reading directly on our customer portal.
Water meters are subject to the provisions of the Verification Act. Accordingly, cold water meters must be replaced after six years at the latest. Berliner Wasserbetriebe is responsible for replacing your main water meter, for which no additional costs are incurred.
As the owner, you are responsible for your private water meter (sprinkler water meter). When replacing your main water meter, we can also replace your private water meter. We make you an offer for this before the periodic replacement. If you agree to it, sign it and return it to us. If your private water meter is replaced at the same time as your main water meter we charge your 78.30 euros (incl. VAT). You do not incur any call-out charges.
After replacing the meter we record the data of your old and new meter. There are therefore no gaps in your consumption billing. You can of course also hire an installation company from the list of our licensed contractual partners to do the work.
*The tariff system for drinking water and wastewater is made up of a basic price (standing charge) and a volumetric price per 1000 litres. The basic price is charged per day depending on the size of the main water meter (Qn / Q3) and the volume billed yearly through this connection. Different volume bands exist depending on the meter size. The volumetric price solely depends on the volume of drinking water consumed. The water meter size is assessed on the recognised rules of sound engineering practice (DVGW Guideline W 406 and DIN 1988-300).